Ketsueki-Gata In Japan: What Your Blood Type Says About You!
When it comes to personality tests, there is none other than the famous Myer Briggs 16 personalities tests that come to mind. The Myer Briggs personality test has become so popular that they are sometimes used as a screening method during hiring processes!
While Myer Briggs is well established in Western countries, it still hasn’t quite hit most Asian shores yet. Most people in Asia still rely on traditional methods when it comes to predicting personality types. The Chinese in China still make use of 八字 (literally translates to “Eight Words”), a Chinese astrological concept that is able to predict the personality, future and destiny of an individual. This concept is still commonly used in China, Korea and even in Singapore!
This ancient method requires a professional to properly “read” you, and this might be too intimidating for some. Luckily for us, the Japanese have a simpler way to determine your personality. All you need is your blood type! 血液型 (blood type) readings are considered an important indicator of a person’s personality. This personality test is known as the “Japanese Blood Type Personality Theory”, and is widely used and believed by the Japanese!
Source: The Japan Times
The Japanese believe that there are personality traits for each blood type, much like how there are personality traits tied to astrology signs! Blood types also help Japanese people decide if they are a good match, as certain blood types pair better than others.
Blood Type A
Personality traits: Timid, mild mannered, anxious, earnest, sensitive, responsible, polite, perfectionist, conscientious, diligent, attentive, composed
People with this blood type are described as 几帳面 (Kichōmen), or well organised. They are described as perfectionists who are generally neat, composed and responsible. However, they can be stubborn and feel anxious or stressed out easily. They are generally harmonious people who shy away from conflict.
Fun fact: 40% of the Japanese population have blood type A!
Blood Type B
Personality traits: Passionate, erratic, wild, active, flexible, curious, outgoing, selfish, creative, unforgiving, unpretentious
People with this blood type are generally described as 自己中 (Jikochū), or selfish. However, they are also known for their creativity. Mostly known for their short attention span, people with this blood type tend to take up projects then lose interests easily. They will most likely become nomads, refusing to stay in one place!
Blood Type AB
Personality traits: Composed, rational, aloof, sociable, responsible, shy, outgoing, self centered, charming, adaptable, patient, private
At first glance, one might think that AB blood types are just a combination of blood type A and B! However, AB blood types are actually very multifaceted. They might be mistaken as someone who is two-faced, when they are just highly adaptable to different situations and people!
AB blood types are the rarest in Japan! Hence, garnering a reputation of being eccentric, or 変わり者 (kawarimono).
Blood Type O
Personality traits: Optimistic, easy going, natural leader, confident, strong willed, workaholic, sociable, romantic, devoted, carefree, insecure, ambitious
People of this blood type are natural born leaders, outgoing and are able to influence the “energy” of people. They have a natural way of commanding the room and are very influential! Their personality traits have garnered them the reputation of being optimistic, or 楽観主義 (rakkanshugi).
Fun fact: Blood type Os generally do not get along with Blood type As.
Asides from predicting your personality and how others see you, the Japanese Blood Type Personality Theory can also predict the compatibility of couples or a group of friends. Japanese people tend to use this as a way to determine the success of a relationship, or how well everyone would get along. This helps them plan for potential conflicts, and what kinds partnerships they should steer clear from.
Here’s a handy chart for your reference!
Source: Anime & Manga
If you ever have the chance to visit Japan, don’t be too surprised when someone asks you for your blood type! Asking someone for their blood type in Japan is just as common as asking someone for their astrological sign in Singapore, or anywhere else!
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